Rest – refresh & rejuvenate for the new year ahead

One word, four alphabets, simple to say, yet difficult to do! This has been my realisation in the last week as I wind down to the end of 2017, which was as some may know, a challenging year for me in all aspects of my life. It was a year that has tested my strength & capacity, physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually! I am glad to be able to say that I have made it to the end of the year however, in some way, towards the last few weeks, I have only survived. Many have asked as to whether we had holiday plans or how we were spending our time off… in all honesty, all I wanted to do was rest… & so I did. The days between Christmas & New Year went by in a blink as I basically slept, spent time without any worry, drama, issues, challenges, work or anything else. In this time, I have discovered that the few days break had allowed me to rejuvenate & refresh myself to start again for the new year. To those who I have not made time for during this break, I am sorry but I have learnt that I have to sometimes be selfish & make myself a priority so that life can go on without me crumbling. I also have to make my husband & I a priority because we are one & our lives are interdependent as a couple. I am sharing this because I know that 2017 has been tough for many, not just me. If you have the opportunity of a break for the next few days before work recommences for the year, it is not too late to rest… do so & 2018 will be off to a good start for you! 😊❤️