Old ways, new doors

It is a new year & a new decade but are we stuck in our old ways of doing things? Old habits, old expectations, old manners, old approaches.. don’t get me wrong, there are some things of old which are of value, in fact, great value – those are the things that have stood the test of time, that worked & that are the foundation of things! There is value & worth in the priceless traditions, the basic morals of life which are timeless like politeness, kindness, generosity, love, care, respect. Those are the things of old that are set in stone that should not be departed from & should be passed & taught from one generation to another.

But then, there are still the other things, with a new generation of technology, kids & ideas, as the world change around us, should we not change too to adapt where there is a need to do so? When something isn’t working anymore because it has gone past it’s time or relevance, those are the things that need refreshing. Sometimes, it is not just the physical things but also the mindsets, being teachable, being open, looking outside the box so that things, businesses, ministries, relationships can be brought to a whole new level!

Change does not just happen because it is a new year

Just saying that it is a new year does not make things new 😅 we all wished it was that simple. I saw this post by Christine Caine & it helps put into words what had been on my mind for this new year & new decade.

There have been numerous things which we have accepted & allowed for the last year & decade which we know that change needs to occur but no action has been taken, this is the year to press stop & deal with it so that change can actually occur.

There are some things that are progressing like a bullet train towards a destination but have we paused to see what else is there around us that needs to be done or is everything going to just fly by like a blur & become missed opportunities?

Are there some things that need to be reset, rethought, refreshed, repaired, reanalysed, reassessed, reconsidered so that it functions better, that the foundations can be made stronger.. sometimes the base is set & is fine but the building that took place on top of it may have some weak points or some require some adjustment to ensure that it can support the further building on top of it, likewise, to pruning of a tree, to ensure that the growth happens in the right direction & the branch is strong enough to support it otherwise, the fruit eventually falls from the tree not due to ripeness but due to the weakness of the branch.

Lastly, the scariest one of all, is it time to press start… press start on those dreams that have been kept in the smallest & secret places, the ideas that we have pushed aside, the visions that God ha given us but we discounted not because of Him but of what we think our abilities are.. if not now, then when?

The ticking of the clock into a new hour/day/hour/week/month/year/decade does not mean that things will magically change. It is the intentions followed by the courage together with the actions & hard work that change occurs.

New year new bag

Received a new handbag & wallet for Christmas so tonight, before I start back at work for the new year, I emptied my old handbag & sorted through all the crap I had in there. My new handbag was a little smaller than my old one & initially, I wondered if I was going to fit everything in…. but as I emptied it, I realised as to how much crap I was carrying around in my bag everywhere & everyday for the last year! So many things that were not necessary, not useful, things that had expired, that I no longer had use for, broken, missing items that did not belong to me! As I sorted through them & tossed out what was unnecessary, my new bag was rather light & full of space for new things. It also made me realise that life can be a bit like that too.. we we travel through the year, we take things on board, where with ease, we place stuff that was given to us, picked up, held, shared, used into our “bag”, our mind, our heart, our spirit & we knowingly or unknowingly carry those stuff around with us. So as we begin the new year, let’s sort through our physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bag. Toss out the unnecessary, the things that are not important or of use or beneficial. Start the year light, with space for new things.

Rest – refresh & rejuvenate for the new year ahead

One word, four alphabets, simple to say, yet difficult to do! This has been my realisation in the last week as I wind down to the end of 2017, which was as some may know, a challenging year for me in all aspects of my life. It was a year that has tested my strength & capacity, physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually! I am glad to be able to say that I have made it to the end of the year however, in some way, towards the last few weeks, I have only survived. Many have asked as to whether we had holiday plans or how we were spending our time off… in all honesty, all I wanted to do was rest… & so I did. The days between Christmas & New Year went by in a blink as I basically slept, spent time without any worry, drama, issues, challenges, work or anything else. In this time, I have discovered that the few days break had allowed me to rejuvenate & refresh myself to start again for the new year. To those who I have not made time for during this break, I am sorry but I have learnt that I have to sometimes be selfish & make myself a priority so that life can go on without me crumbling. I also have to make my husband & I a priority because we are one & our lives are interdependent as a couple. I am sharing this because I know that 2017 has been tough for many, not just me. If you have the opportunity of a break for the next few days before work recommences for the year, it is not too late to rest… do so & 2018 will be off to a good start for you! 😊❤️

Goodbye 2016 Hello 2017

What a year 2016 has been.. there has been some good parts & some bad parts, some highs & some lows, some victories & some failures, tough decisions considered & made, boundaries set, unforeseen circumstances that crept up on us.. reaching the end of the year & looking back, I choose to learn what I can & celebrate where required. Here’s to 2017 being a fresh start to a new year!

What a great verse to start the year afresh… if everyone could be kinder, more considerate, move generous, more loving, & be the way they would like to be treated by others, the world takes a step towards positivity & making it a better place for all to live in amongst the materialism, comparison & competition of today’s world. Start afresh today as you begin a new year, think of how you could contribute to your world, your community, your circle.. Happy New Year! May 2017 start well, continue well & end well with God’s grace, mercy, promises & blessings!