Stepping stone vs Launching pad

I was pondering about this a little while ago & it has been playing in my mind for quite a while now. There are many things in life where it can been deemed to be either but it is actually up to us how we view it to be & then treat it to be.

In general, with ourselves, are we a stepping stone or a launching pad? I don’t mean that we allow people to step on us but are we just a person who someone knows that connects people with others (& there is nothing wrong with that) or are we a launching pad where we launch people forward into their next step, next season, next phase with support & encouragement?

Now, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong or lesser about being a stepping stone.. sometimes in some relationships, that is all we are called to be.. & there is importance in that too because we are the connecting point. Without that connection, someone would not be stepping forward to the next connection.

The important part though is to recognise which one we are for each friendship & relationship we have. Once we recognise that, we would find that our relationships are more purposeful because we can play our role in that relationship better.

If we are a stepping stone, we are that place of a break for that person where they can find rest & also a gateway of connection, to other people or other opportunities.

If we are a launching pad, we are that base of support, encouragement, motivation, trust & belief to launch them into what is next & what is to come.

For some, we may be both where for a season in their lives, we are the stepping stone & on certain stages, we are launching pads. Once again, when we recognise that, it is when we can fulfil our roles.