
Drip, drip, drip….

It has been raining pretty much non stop for the last 48 hours or so & there is a leak in my office where my window connection is. As there is more rain to come & it can’t be fixed until the rain stops, all we can do it to place a towel & bucket. But in the last day & half, it has taught me how a drip can affect my life!

A drip is not much. It is after all only just a single drip. But the noise that single drop makes, it can be heard. It grabs your attention & focus. It causes you to notice it.

A drop of water will still cause something to be wet – bucket, towel, carpet, even you. It has the power to change something.

Consistency of drips will actually cause a bigger impact, a bucket to fill up, a towel or carpet to drench.

This actually got me thinking… sometimes, there are things in life, decisions made, words said that may not be huge or for its impact to be immediate but like a constant drip, it is significant. It still changes, it has it’s value & purpose & its effect. Consistently going, its significance grows.

So if what you are doing may seem like a drop at the moment, don’t give up, don’t give in.. it already made a change.. to make a bigger change, make the drop into a consistent drip! A drip that eventually cannot be ignored!

Change does not just happen because it is a new year

Just saying that it is a new year does not make things new 😅 we all wished it was that simple. I saw this post by Christine Caine & it helps put into words what had been on my mind for this new year & new decade.

There have been numerous things which we have accepted & allowed for the last year & decade which we know that change needs to occur but no action has been taken, this is the year to press stop & deal with it so that change can actually occur.

There are some things that are progressing like a bullet train towards a destination but have we paused to see what else is there around us that needs to be done or is everything going to just fly by like a blur & become missed opportunities?

Are there some things that need to be reset, rethought, refreshed, repaired, reanalysed, reassessed, reconsidered so that it functions better, that the foundations can be made stronger.. sometimes the base is set & is fine but the building that took place on top of it may have some weak points or some require some adjustment to ensure that it can support the further building on top of it, likewise, to pruning of a tree, to ensure that the growth happens in the right direction & the branch is strong enough to support it otherwise, the fruit eventually falls from the tree not due to ripeness but due to the weakness of the branch.

Lastly, the scariest one of all, is it time to press start… press start on those dreams that have been kept in the smallest & secret places, the ideas that we have pushed aside, the visions that God ha given us but we discounted not because of Him but of what we think our abilities are.. if not now, then when?

The ticking of the clock into a new hour/day/hour/week/month/year/decade does not mean that things will magically change. It is the intentions followed by the courage together with the actions & hard work that change occurs.

Who are you?

I was today reading a book called Unqualified from Steven Furtick. Chapter 2 of the book titled The Name Game tells of the story of not just your name but also of the conversation between Moses & God in the story of the burning bush. 

If you are unaware of the story, that is when God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush asking him to save his people (the Israelites who were slaves in Egypt) from Pharoah. When Moses ask God what is your name & who do I say you are, God answers “I AM”! 

“I am” is usually the beginning of your description of who you are. We are made in God’s reflection & therefore our identity is based on who God says we are… however, how often do our “I am” result from when we turn our ear to the “you are” by people instead of the “I am” by God. Sometimes, even the people who we trust the most or should rely on for an encouraging “you are” may disappoint us, people such as parents, family, friends, leaders & yes, even pastors. The reason for that is because each of those persons are humans & can only see & know you from what they can see & like it or not, their opinion & judgment of you will be based on how much they know you & who they think you are (which at the most is still a percentage of who you truly are). Even we ourselves are still discovering who we are & our identity as life progresses along. Only God, our Creator is able to know is in our innermost being & identity because He created us to be.